Feb 23, 2015

臺灣,我到了!On Delayed Flights, SIM Card Plights, and Humid Nights

Guess where I am? That's right, 30,000 ft above the sea on my way to Taiwan! Haha just kidding--I made it here about 14 hours ago and for the truly observant, you may have noticed that I changed the time zone to reflect my current location.

Anyways, let's try to keep this short (operative word being try) because I am super tired. Oh the joys of traveling halfway across the world. Let's start with my flight. As any New Yorker (or New Englander) will know, we've been getting quite a bit of snow lately and last night, it got pretty bad. Think snow and rain. Yikes. Now my flight's original boarding time was 11:50 pm, departure time 12:20 am. I get there early (at about half-past-ten), check-in was quick and easy (the beauty of online check-in) and decide to mill around for 15 minutes to spend some good quality time with momma dearest before I hop off through security check. So fast forward to around 11:30 where I'm half falling asleep at the waiting area when they make an announcement: due to some issues with the gears, boarding time has been delayed to 12:15. Alright. that's to be expected, some snow issues are bound to cause to flight issues (I don't even know if the two were related but I'm assuming they would be)--cut to 12:15 where they announce, boarding time has been pushed to 12:30 and I'm falling asleep (I like my sleep and this is past my bedtime folks), but obviously I am not about to take a nap before I board. Cut to 12:45 where they finally let passengers begin to board, It's 1 at this point and I'm sitting there, restlessly, nervously. Some other issue--something about being third in line to fly out or something--that's right third. Anyways, so I fall asleep cause ya know, tired, past my bedtime and all. I wake up at around 2, almost 3-ish and wonder have we taken off yet? It was kind of hard to tell, but I had a nagging feeling that we were still sitting on the ground. And of course we were. In the end, we didn't takeoff until about 4. The landing time went from 5:30 am to 9:30 am, That's right folks--a four hour delay, three of which were spent in a stationary plane, factor in the 16-hour plane ride and we have 19 glorious hours spent in a plane (again, three of which were spent not going anywhere).

Now I am in no way complaining cause hey, wouldn't you rather be in a safe and delayed plane than a prompt but unchecked one? The plane ride itself wasn't too bad (watched Big Hero 6, cried buckets, and 피끓는 청춘 - Hot Young Bloods laughed lots) and listened to Korean music, and had some good food. But still 16 hours, I'm surprised I managed to last this long through the day--it is now a quarter to 11 and I am about to crash. I've always been a bad plane rider--I can't stay asleep for very long and it makes my eyes feel tired. Is it just me?

Anyways, since I'm tired (and I did promise short) you get SIM Card Plights and Humid Nights some other time plus, as a bonus, pictures of flight food! Haha.

Good night.

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