Apr 11, 2015

There and Back Again: Déjà vu

March 16th, 2014
After a long day of traveling and exploring, it was nice to finally slow down and enjoy the scenery. We had been doing a lot of sight-seeing since we've arrived in Hualien and while the sights were amazing, I was glad for the little breather. We were currently at 花蓮縣和平廣場--the Hualien County Peace Square--overlooking 美崙溪--the Meilun River--and though it was too dark to clearly make out the 和平鐘--Peace Bell--or the river, it only served to emphasize the light from the bird statue and the bridge and it was peaceful to just stand there looking out at the water. We were the only ones there at the time, and were all pretty tired so, save for the low murmur of some background conversations, it was pretty quiet.

Quiet scenery

There is something to be said for hearing the gong of a bell in the still of the evening

Sorry about the quality of this picture
Over 1 year later
April 01st, 2015
Spring break was upon us and though it was quite hot and sunny, we were enjoying ourselves immensely. A couple of friends and I decided to go down to Hualien (about two hours away from Taipei) for two days and thus far we had had clear skies, good food, and beautiful scenery. We had decided to explore by bike and, since I couldn't ride a bike, I was hitching a ride on the back of one of my friend's bike.

My first bike ride--it was a thrilling experience, in the kinda-scary-kinda-exciting kind of way. Although there was no cushioning on the metal seat I wasn't too bothered by it (though my behind would be a little numb by the end of the day) and was enjoying the feel of the wind rushing past me. As we slowed down to take a break from biking, I realized with a growing sense of familiarity that I recognized this location. In fact, I had been here a little over a year ago!

The place was practically as I remembered it, except that it was daylight this time instead of night and I wasn't weary with a day's worth of traveling. I didn't really know how to describe what I was feeling--I guess a bit of awe at the coincidence of being at the exact place I was at over a year ago. A place that wasn't some giant tourist spot, no less. If you had told me a year ago that I would come back to this very spot, I probably would not have believed you. A year ago, my plans for a dual-semester abroad was only looking slightly hopeful--I had been accepted to study abroad in South Korea, but I didn't know yet if I would be able to study abroad in Taiwan as well or if I would end up being forced to choose one over the other. All I knew was that I had one shot--my appeal--to convince the Committee of Study Abroad that it was in my best interest to go abroad for two semesters in two different locations.

At that moment a year ago, looking out over the water, that was what I was worrying about, though I did try to put that worry aside in order to enjoy the tranquil scenery and company of my classmates, most of whom I had known for three-and-a-half semesters now.

This time, for old time's sake, I went to stand at the very spot where I had been contemplating my worries a year ago, except that this time I was just enjoying the moment, the coincidence, and marveling at how much has happened in a year.
The bridge in daylight
Still the same tranquil scenery

There is something to be said for hearing the gong of a bell in daylight too
Glow of the sun and glitter of the lake behind the gong of the bell
A clearer (and closer-up!) picture of the bird statue
We also went to 太魯閣國家公園--Taroko National Park--during our two day stay in Hualien, which I did with my Chinese class the first time I went to Hualien too, but as Taroko was the main purpose for our trip, this was no surprise coincidence for me.
The lobby of Colorful Taiwan Hostel where we stayed

Cute bedroom decor!

雞排麵 I believe this was--for a mere NT$60 too (equivalent to about US$2)
What better way to cool off than with some ice cream? I believe the two flavors were vanilla and sweet potato!

A bowl of 雲吞湯 shared between friends--I think I came here last year too!
豆花 as I've never had it before--iced and with toppings! The top one has sweet potatoes and tapioca, while the bottom one has red beans. For all my Canto friends back home, you're probably more accustomed to having your 豆腐花 served hot and with a slightly sweet syrup (Photo courtesy of my fellow travelers)
Our picturesque bike view (Photo courtesy of my fellow travelers)
If you're ever in Taiwan and have some free time, I really recommend going down to Hualien to get away from technology and enjoy the scenery~

Travel Chinese Hualien Edition
  • 花蓮縣 (Huālián Xiàn) - Hualien County
  • 太魯閣國家公園 (Tàilǔgé gúojiā gōngyuán) - Taroko National Park
  • 長春祠 (Chángchūn cí) - Eternal Spring Shrine (or Changchun Shrine)
    Located in Taroko National Park
  • 花蓮縣和平廣場 (Huālián xiàn hépíng guǎngchǎng) - Hualien Peace Square
    I'm not sure if there's an English name for it--I just translated the Chinese
  • 和平鐘 (Hépíng zhōng) - Peace Bell
    Located in the Sqare; again, I just translated the Chinese
  • 美崙溪 (Měi lún xī) - Meilun River
    I used the Pinyin for the English name (although 溪 seems to translate to "creek" rather than "river")

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