May 9, 2015

A Fog Covered Sky

 林峯 & 蔡卓妍 - 一直都在 (To set the mood for this rather dismal post--hahaha)

Just thought I would share some pictures of the grey, rainy day we've been having here in Taipei. It's not often that I find rainy days depressing but today everything was grey, foggy, and forlorn.
Sad sky, grey sky
This past week has been pretty rainy and dismal; the air yesterday even felt heavy and damp--one step outside and you could feel the humidity in the air. I guess that all culminated into one heavy downpour today.

However desolate the day, there was something poetic about the forlorn fog hanging over Taipei
A friend in Tainan told me however that the weather down south was perfectly nice with not a raindrop to be seen.
You can't tell from this picture, but big fat raindrops were pouring down from the skies

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