Mar 4, 2015

Baby Steps

Welcome to my confession booth and thanks for listening, hehe.

Now, I believe that people should practice what they preach but I'm gonna have to be honest with you all: I haven't really been getting out there and making friends. I have met a few people whom I would consider to be friends, but I don't really have a group of close friends (or even one close friend) who I hang out with. I told myself that I would try harder to be more outgoing but striking up small talk and conversations is difficult. I think part of it has to do with the fact that everyone seems to have come with someone or have been studying here since last semester so already have their own group of friends. Having a close group of friends is like being part of a club and it's not easy to join once that initial meet-and-greet, get-to-know-each-other phase is over, if that makes any sense.

I know I've been going on and on about how you should get out there and meet people but the truth is, I don't really know how to. But I'll try. Promise!

That is all for now--just thought you guys should know ^^

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